The Polymath Projekt(Introductory post)

Hello stranger, 

Welcome to my blog, this is Shiva. This is an introductory post for a podcast that I am starting. Below I have given all the necessary info about it (what it's about and why am I doing it)

What it's about

In a nutshell,
I will be talking to people from various backgrounds about their respective disciplines (areas in which they have expertise in or are involved in) and beyond. We might talk about their experience of working in that field, their worldview and everything else. 

The guests can be from literally any discipline and field, from Physicists, filmmakers, cognitive scientists, athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians to chess players, linguists, evolutionary biologists, fiction writers, travelers, photographers and everyone in between.

My Motivation for doing this- 

I am an aspiring polymath and I wanted to create a community of people who are interested in the same things that I am interested in, networking and getting to talk to people who are experts in their respective disciplines or are involved in it somehow and also in a way try to capture my journey. Starting a podcast seems like the perfect way to achieve all those things at once, as a result here I am. 

The Vision-

1. Talking to people from various backgrounds and worldviews and hope to learn something.

2. Building a network of people who are working in the fields that hold my interest

3. Creating a community of people who are interested in the same things that I am interested in. 

4. I could also use a side income, but it's not a priority as of right now or the near future. 

 What can you expect as a guest-

    The tone of the conversation is going to be pretty laid back, and we don't try to stick to a very rigid script since it limits the scope of things that we can talk about and also disrupts the natural flow of the conversation, having said that, I will have a list of topics, but we are completely free to draw any tangents while talking. 

    The format is Audio only, and I will only be revealing information which are absolutely a must, so you don't have to worry about your personal information being up for grabs. 

About the Podcast-

    1. The format of the podcast is going to be audio only, at least for now. 

    2. The length of the conversation can be anywhere from 30 min to 4 hours

Also, I am hoping to get a couple of episodes out before the end of this year.
